Thursday, August 13, 2009

Unity is power

Some good news!!! Today, a Poly friend, Huiwen slide back to church! Ten years ago, she was from city harvest and due to over-dryness in her spiritual life. . . she backslided.

However, recently she was being touched by pastor kong's word last week and decided to dedicate her life back to Jesus! Praise the Lord! God really do miracles in peoples lives. . .

Today, Andy(another mentor I have from another church) and I met her up and encourage her and reaffirm her faith for her. I think what we did is very important and is actually initiatied by andy. She told us she was glad that we came and speak to her and teach her how to get back on track with God. She told me she was neglected in her past cellgrps and also when she was back with God, no one called her.

I suddenly felt that our cellgrp also face similar problems. Often when we have new friends or friends that just joined, I realised that I did not have the heart to be all out for them and support them! Often neglected them. Even towards one another, did we really show concern to one another every now and then? Such as calling one another up and ask how are we doing?

Personally, I don't do it often so I am also part of this weakest link. I know our dearest cellgrp leader did. .. he sms me last week and asked me how is my work going? I felt so glad that someone is there to ask how am I. When you receive such greetings won't you pleased too? Why not let us do show more concern to one another especially to our newcomers and old newcomers like Jason, Samuel and even Claudia.

Unity is Power! Our cellgrp really must be bonded as a living cell in the body of Christ if not our cellgrp will never grow. . . This is our weakest point i personally feel.

After the impartation of our knowledge to huiwen. . . she felt so blessed and was so on fire for God! I am pleased to see another of my close friends being on fire! It really adds oil to my existing fire for God! I felt so motivated and happy! If all of us help one another adding oil to one another spiritually or even mentally. . . .I believe all things will be added to you in 100fold!

By the way, she might be joining our cellgrp. So let us pray for her to be a strong and on fire christian. Last but not least, let us stand together and really encourage one another and be more sensitive to our fellow cellgrp members and meeting one another's needs.

Gavin Goh

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