Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Climbing The Mountain Of Life

"Climbing The Mountain Of Life" Article by Asher Aw

I was just having dinner with a long time buddy, Jeremy, and we were on the topic of being a Christian when a particular thought crossed my mind… I asked him: “What are the significant moments in your life that kept you going on as a Christian?”

To my surprise, he said “I’m not too sure”.

I proceeded to ask him about it because getting through life, I personally believe that certain memories and events in our life form who we are, what we believe in and how we live – so it was rather surprising to know my buddy was not sure what kept him going.

To describe it in another fashion, I related to him how life is like climbing a mountain. As you get higher, you “mark” yourself climbing up… mountain climbers would take a stake and “impale” it into the solid rock/ice surface – creating an anchor.

They then latch their ropes onto that anchor and keep going. In the event they fall/slip, these anchors would hold them and secure them from falling.

So, it came as a bit of a surprise that my friend here apparently did not create his anchors for his Christian life. But as we talked, I discovered that he – unlike me – had created his anchors in movable terrain. He created anchors in people.


For a person like me, I am who I am today because of the events in my life that I remember, of the information I learned from people/books/circumstances. That’s what kept me going on climbing my personal mountain. If I were to slip, my memories and my knowledge which have anchored me, would keep me safe and falling to doom.

For Jeremy, it was the people whom he has met in life who were always there for him. Believing in him and persisting with him despite knowing his flaws.

So, if he were to fall… he would rely on his “anchors” of people – though it moves… it also grows.

For me, if I were to fall… I would rely on my memories of knowledge and events – not so much on people.

How about you? What are YOUR anchors in life?

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