Monday, August 31, 2009

Being Teachable

Being teachable is so important. If you don't think you have a problem, nobody can teach you a thing. The only reason why we learn from someone is because we believe that someone knows something that we don't. And so many people don't learn anything after a long period of time, not because of the teacher, but that heart that won't receive.

Of course in the Kingdom of God it's the same way. Pastor said this to us one day, "Sometimes I meet people (who carry a wrong attitude/did something wrong/can do things in a better way) and I correct them, but they don't want to listen. After once, after twice, if he still doesn't listen, I let him be." Even my wise fiancee, Joyce said something to me, "I'll just talk to the person once, if he doesn't want to listen, I won't bother about him."

We can't be helped if we don't want to listen!

Many years ago, My leader taught me something which I felt I didn't agree with, so I stated my point of view I learnt from another person, (obviously in hindsight, my point of view was actually wrong). I was persistent to prove to my leader that I'm right and he was wrong. My leader was so heart broken, in the end he gave me a choice, "Did that guy preach to you every week, did that guy visit you when you were backsliding, did that guy give you bible study, did that guy counsel you when you have a problem? If yes then you follow his advice."

That shook me, because I knew in my heart, it was my leader who was doing all these things, and not "that guy". My leader drew the line, and I knew I had to make a choice to be his side or not. Of course I followed my leader. And in the end, that guy was exposed to be in the wrong. Thank God for good leaders.

I realised that our leaders voice have some kind of weight and anointing. It's like, somehow God will back them up. Like how my leader accurately prophesied over my O level and A level results accurately twice. It was like, even casual advices seem to work. Eg. like the bible says, how Samuel's words never fall to the ground.

But what if my teacher is in the wrong, what if he teaches false doctrine! Shall I still be teachable and learn? Of course not, but I made it a point never to correct them, even in public. As the saying goes, "Correction from above is just, but correction from below is rebellion." I believe in the hand of God, if a teacher is in error, God will judge him accordingly. (In fact, bible says in the day of judgement, teachers will be judged more severely than normal Christians.) Most of the leaders in the Christian world today, when they are in error, somehow God will remove them from office, so there's no need for us to worry.

Therefore, we should all aim to be great disciples to our disciplers. Pray for your pastors everyday because they pray for you!

Kelvin Guo

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