Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Spiritual Atmosphere

Let me kick off with the sharing.

Last weekend, Pastor Kong spoke to us on Spiritual Atmosphere and the 4 spiritual things we got to have to create a strong Spiritual Atmosphere.
1) Prayer
2) Praise
3) Hunger for God's Word
4) Unity in vision

I was reminded of Matthew 6:33
Jesus says, "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."

You may have been desiring for a breakthrough in the following areas:
1) Ministry
2) Career
3) Finances
4) Relationships
5) Physical Health, etc.

I believe that as we put the 4 spiritual things as stated above as a priority in our lives, all the things that we desire shall be added on to us. As we build on our prayer life, as we begin to praise God even more (especially during trying times), as we hunger more for God's Word, as we get more united with our cell group members, we can change the spiritual atmosphere around our individual lives. This spiritual atmosphere we create will then begin to change the circumstances surrounding the areas in our lives that we desire to have a breakthrough.

God Bless,

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